Things I Miss About Being a Criminal Prosecutor

Things I Miss About Being a Criminal Prosecutor March 5, 2011

1.  The intellectual and verbal challenges of putting together and making cohesive, coherent arguments.

2.  The experience of explaining, persuading, and convincing people.

3.  Virtual immunity from traffic tickets.

4.  Having a strong sense that I was “wearing a white hat,” and was on the side of justice.

5. Cross-examining people.

6. Sharing with Law Enforcement Officers and being able to tell them what to do. They are an interesting and colorful bunch of people, and often have unique perspectives.

7.  That special rush of adrenalin you experience when taking responsibility for all the aspects of a jury trial.

8.  The distinct clarity that comes with having hours and hours of your time, talent, and effort boil down to either “guilty” or “not guilty.”

9.  The freedom I had to be direct, blunt, and even mean on occasion.

10.  Learning that I had the capacity to face new challenges and do well.

11.  The people with whom I had the opportunity to work.

12.  The way it feels to focus attention on very serious questions with very serious consequences.

[ Original Image by rofltosh ]

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