Darkness & Light

Darkness & Light July 25, 2012

We use knowledge and technology to try to control and mask the primal extremes of our world.

We create music and words to cover silence we find intimidating. We connect with people around the world when we are faced with our own solitude. We light our lives to help us be less afraid of the shadows.

Our lives are sustained and supported by a foundation of information and technology.

We have grown accustomed to our protections. It is challenging for us to remember, or even imagine, what life is like without the ways we attempt to control it. Few of us have opportunities to experience what life is like without the comforts we have developed.

Many of us live in a world without real darkness. There is  hardly any time, even while we sleep, when there is no artificial light in our lives.

We experience our technology as beneficial, and technology allows us to do many things we could not accomplish without it.

The lights we make for ourselves can also block out the light of the stars.

Technology increases our potential. Will we use our potential, our new freedom, to make ourselves even more comfortable, or to explore beyond the edge of the light?

Some people use technology to distract themselves from the deepest aspects of their own lives. They may be bathed in artificial light, but the darkness beyond the light is darker because they are less likely to explore it.

We can try to protect ourselves from our unknown fears out there in the dark, or we can explore our hidden depths and dark truths. We can shine our light into the darkness, learning to see in new ways.

What does the light in your life help you see in new ways today?

When will you explore your own darkness?

[Image by jalalspages]

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