StrategicMonk Interview: Joanne Cipressi & InspireChat

StrategicMonk Interview: Joanne Cipressi & InspireChat August 16, 2012

Tell me the story of #InspireChat. What brought you here?

I have a dream of people living harmoniously, peaceful and respectful of one another. I believe that in order for this to be accomplished, there is a need for healing, rediscovering who we are, our purposes, and our love, and bonding with those that also desire this dream or one similar. #InspireChat primarily came about because of this dream.

I believe that if more and more people were living a life true to what is alive at the core of their heart and in their full potential, the world would run from a place of love, respect and appreciation for one another. If we are internally unsatisfied, hurt, or hiding ourselves behind walls, we tend to behave in ways that prohibit peace.

#InspireChat is part of my solution to builds bonds with others while each of us learn to open up more, to expand our awareness and to heal our hearts so more of us are feeling peace within. Peace within equals peace with others. Reflection is a great avenue to healing, living in your full potential and trusting the journey. Asking the questions that I do on #InspireChat opens these doors to deeper reflections, as well as does the interactions that happen within the #InspireChat community. I am hoping that these reflections inspire healing, action and peace within.

When did you first realize how important inspiration was to you?

Ever since I was a young girl, I rebelled against inspiration. If I was aware of myself being inspired, I put up a wall. However, I believe it was in my early 20’s that I rediscovered and began to accept the magic of inspiration. But, it was not actually until about 4 years ago that I realized how important inspiration was for me. When I did, I was able to allow myself to be wowed by others, and even to be wowed by my own self, on a higher level than I ever did. At this point, I also become more vocal and outward about what I had to offer others in order to inspire them.

What inspires you?

Nature inspires me. One way is how it continues to be thrive despite the changes in the seasons, the storms, and the havoc humans have brought upon it. Even after what may seem like destruction, a field revives with beautiful softness–just like we can after any trial or hardship that we experience. The pureness and innocence of children inspire me greatly, as well as their belief in themselves. Music, dancing, climbing up a mountain, a deep open-hearted talk with someone, truth, traveling and the way we are created. But, the one thing that inspires me more than almost all else is silence. In my home, silence exists more than it does not. While I take road trips, I am often driving in silence without any music on. Just simply being.

What is the most challenging thing about preparing for #InspireChat each week?

The most challenging thing about preparing for #InspireChat is finding the time to reach out to all the members and the audience to make them aware of the upcoming topic for discussion. Between my daughters, my clients, and other responsibilities, my time is limited so I am unable to be online as often I would like to be to connect more with the #InspireChat community.

What is the most significant thing #InspireChat has accomplished so far? What changes do you see developing in the next six months or a year?

#InspireChat has brought together people from all over the world that communicate peacefully while sharing different viewpoints and insights with one another. I have seen how this has expanded the awareness and acceptance of many people. I often receive letters from people that thank me for holding this platform because they have grown emotionally, spiritually and mentally because of these differences. It is quite wonderful.

In the next 6 months to year, I am hoping to evolve #InspireChat into a web show. I will still keep the Thursday chat alive, but this web show will add some more personal and intimate experiences that others have lived through. I am hoping this show will inspire people to realize that they can love, be peaceful, be kind and be successful despite what they have been through in their lifetime. I was planning on launching this web show at the end of this month, but due to some unexpected health concerns (which are thankfully being cleared away) and an amazing expansion of my coaching practice I have not been able to give this the attention it needs to be fabulous.

Thank you, Joanne.

[Image by Nina Matthews Photography]

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