Primal Connection

Primal Connection September 19, 2012

The world is primal.

We work hard to make ourselves comfortable with technology and possessions. We accomplish amazing achievements. The world remains primal and elemental despite all our efforts.

Light and dark. Heat and cold. Earth, wind, and water. Fire and ice. Love and hatred. Joy and pain. Life and death.

We shield ourselves from the world with preparation and planning, design and fashion, communication and transportation. We convince ourselves that we can control and master our circumstances.

We surround ourselves in technological armor and travel through the world on paved streets, listening to our own playlists.

We feel secure, and it is easy to forget that the world is a primal place. The world has ways of reminding us.

Without warning, we are reminded how limited our defenses can be.

The reminders may come through our technology itself. We see events that happen far away, and are reminded of times we visited there. We connect to people online, and are affected by things that happen where they live. The storm, the shooting, the earthquake, the uprising show us that we are connected in ways we did not realize.

We create cocoons to protect ourselves from the world around us.

The world breaking through our protections is not the challenge. The challenge for us is that we grow comfortable in our layers of armor and are unwilling to escape, to revel in the primal world. We prefer our artificial pleasures to the deep truths all around us. We are distracted, and we miss the treasures of the world.

There are places of deep wonder, primal wisdom, and infinite joy waiting for us in the world.

What treasures are waiting for you in the world?

How will you discover the deep truths that are just outside where you feel safe?

[Image by A Guy Taking Pictures]

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