Leadership is an Adventure

Leadership is an Adventure October 2, 2012

Leadership is an adventure.

We think of an adventure as an experience that tests us, pushes us beyond our own limitations. It is an adventure because it is challenging; we do not know the outcome.

We are drawn to it. We are people who act in the world, trying to do good and trying to be fair, seeking adventure. It brings out the best in us. We feel sorry for the people who stay behind. What others may see as risky or foolish, we know is our adventure.

Our story is filled with adventures. We grow up knowing that we have the potential to accomplish great things. We dream of becoming pirates and police officers, knights of the round table, athletes and adventurers. As we get older, we take on responsibilities that weigh us down. It is easy for people with heavy responsibilities to miss the adventure.

We forget that it is not location that creates adventure. We do not need to launch ourselves into space or sail across the ocean to find adventure. We take adventure with us.

I have been on adventures with inspiring leaders who have seen and brought out my best self. They found deeply hidden qualities and value, and shown me who I could become. They gave me opportunities to discover parts of myself I had not seen for a long time.

They reminded me that life is about adventure.

Leadership is the adventure of recognizing and appreciating your true self, and sharing yourself with the true selves of those around you. Together, we push beyond our own limitations and bring out the best in each other. Whether we are heading into space or providing excellent customer service, it is an adventure.

Where is your latest adventure taking you?

How do you make your leadership an adventure?

[Image by oneaustin]

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