Deeper, Under the Surface

Deeper, Under the Surface October 11, 2012

I work with people who get to a point in their lives where they ask questions.

They may accomplish the goals they have set for themselves, or arrive at the moment of their dreams, and still feel unsettled. They may believe that they have the right answers, and still feel empty. They may be surrounded by friends and family, and still feel alone.

I can understand and relate to how they feel. I have been where they are.

I was brought up to meet responsibilities and expectations. That was the way to do well in life, to be happy, to get things done.

I was pretty good at it. I met a lot of expectations and was very responsible. I did well in school and in life, got things done, and thought I was happy. I believed that I had the right answers.

One day, after a lot of experiences and reflection, I had a realization that was like waking up after being asleep to myself. I recognized that my struggle was not just that I did not do what I was drawn to do, but that I did not even think about it. I believed that I had the answer, that life was about responsibilities and expectations.

It took hard work and some painful questions. It was essential that I learn who I really am and build a life based on my deepest core values.

That realization has sparked the changes that lead to the StrategicMonk.

Some of the people I work with want become the leaders they can be, some want to rediscover what makes them come alive, some want to build their team. Each of them has the insight and honesty to go past the surface.

Are you ready to go deeper under the surface?

Are you ready to ask some questions?

[Image by A6U571N]

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