Living a Life of Revelry

Living a Life of Revelry October 18, 2012

I believe in the power of revelry.

Revelry is authentic and deep.

Revelry is being awake to the value and potential of each moment. Even the experiences that test us, that are challenging, unpleasant, and painful have lessons to teach us if we are paying attention. We swim in an ocean of potential and opportunity.

If we are awake and open, our lives give us the gift of wisdom.

Life is filled with reasons for celebration and recognition. We have the power to revel each day, in each moment.

We revel in the moments we remember, and the moments we anticipate. We build revelry around the things we have accomplished, the things we have endured, the work we have done together. The tastes and sounds of our revelry remind us of what brings us together, and how we hope to spend our future. We share the joy of the memories and plans that are precious to us, and our revelry inspires us to go forward.

There are times when we find our revelry in the fact that we remain; that we are still able to revel at all. We remember what we have lost, and celebrate the people our losses have helped us become.

We take delight in the people who mean the most to us. Revelry celebrates those who have set us on solid footing and shaped our journeys. We recognize and extoll their virtues, introducing them to others who might follow their examples.

Our revelry reflects who we truly are, and reveals who we aspire to become.

Where do you find revelry in your life?

What will you revel in today?

[Image by eschipul]

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