Valentine’s Love & Appreciation

Valentine’s Love & Appreciation February 14, 2013


Love means different things to different people.

Some of us see hearts and flowers. Some taste very dark chocolate, sweet as well as bitter. Some of us see another person’s face, or the light in a child’s eyes. Some find love in our dog or our cat. Some of us think of making love, of bodies coming together. For some love is romantic, a grand passion. There is loving another person, loving our family, loving our neighbors, loving our country, loving people in general, loving the earth, loving God, loving ourselves.

Some people think of enduring love, love as the foundation stones of our lives. We may see love as vast and overwhelming, like the ocean or a mountain. We may see love as a marathon we are running, or a journey we are taking. We have heard that complete love casts out fear, and that all we need is love.

I see love as a flame.

My life is filled with people and things that I love. The darkness is lit by a multitude of candles. Their fire sparks the flames in my own heart.

I am on an ongoing journey that includes places of overwhelming beauty and wonder. I have had the joy and privilege of visiting great cities, remote vistas, deeply spiritual monasteries, and rugged coastlines where the ocean embraces the land.

I am surrounded by friends and family, by people who inspire me though we have never met in real life. People have taught me valuable lessons, trusted me with their deepest secrets, and helped me become who I really am.

It is an honor for me to be asked to do work that I love with people who trust and respect me. The people who ask me to help them keep the flame of my love burning bright.

Thank you.

What, and who, lights the fires that warm your soul?

[Image by inoc]

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