Love and Work

Love and Work February 13, 2014


I love my work. No, really.

I have done work that I did not love. Motivated by stubbornness, anger, fear, or insecurity, I have worked in positions and with organizations that were not good for me. I have done work that did not feed my soul because I was too asleep to myself to know the difference.

Work was a bad relationship for me.

Each step of the way I learned important lessons. There were people who helped me understand myself more deeply, people who have become lifelong friends. There were leaders who saw qualities in me that I did not see. There were experiences in which I came to appreciate deep truths.

More and more, I recognized who I already was. My heart was set on fire. Love drew me forward.

I still do things that do not always delight me. Now I can see how they are connected to my own core values. They are not meaningless tasks that just need to be done, they are steps toward the future I am building.

Work is love, and love is hard work.

Living my dream is not blissful or breathy, like love in songs and movies. Each step takes effort.

There is the effort of persisting, continuing to take another step when I feel so tired or discouraged. There is the effort of remembering, of holding onto the values and vision I am putting into practice. There is the effort of seeing each challenge or obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow.

With each step, the work of love bears fruit in us. Our love for our true selves grows and we understand that our real work comes from who we are.

Do you love your work?

Where does the work of love create the most fear for you?

[Image by kewl]

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