Leadership Finds a Rhythm to Keep Going

Leadership Finds a Rhythm to Keep Going December 23, 2014



I know people in positions of responsibility who are eager to reach the end of this year.

The last twelve months have been filled with challenges, obstacles, and fear for them. They are straining to continue accomplishing their goals with fewer and fewer resources. They feel their strength draining away. Their leadership is filled with stress and anxiety.

The end of this year has, at times, been a distant goal. It has felt as though each day, each hour, were a struggle charged with risk. Life is a series of unreasonable expectations for them to meet. Work is a way for other people to determine and identify their faults.

These people are grateful for a few days of rest and peace. They do not want to even begin thinking about next year, especially if it will be anything like this last year. They are relieved to have a few hours that are not testing them.

It is true that leaders deal with hard situations. There are times when the leaders we choose become tired, discouraged, frustrated. There are times when the challenges seem to overwhelm us, when we must give up. There are times when our challenges seem to overwhelm the people we trust to lead us.

The leaders who inspire me appreciate the ways our challenges help bring out the best in us. They know the practical value of rest and reflection and encourage us to recognize it.

The leaders who inspire me know we are not superhuman. They know the importance of becoming who they can be.

There is a rhythm to leadership, to life, each of us must learn to follow. As we inhale and exhale, as we we work and rest, we find the rhythm that sustains us.

What rhythms sustain your leadership?

Where will your rhythms take you next?

[Image by Elvert Barnes]

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