There Are No Leadership Playoffs

There Are No Leadership Playoffs January 6, 2015


We live in a culture that has a hard time distinguishing between leadership and sports.

Some of the leadership people I know really love sports analogies. We talk about our game plan and our play book. People will say that someone hit a grand slam or completed a marathon negotiation.

We compare challenging leadership situations we face to intense athletic competition. We will say this is the Super Bowl, or the bottom of the ninth inning.

I have heard people say that leadership is the only sport for grownups.

We assess the leadership abilities of various athletes and look at the statistics of leaders.

Leaders overcome challenges to achieve their goals. Leaders need to communicate effectively, work well with people, and be flexible. Of course, leaders also need coaches.

Leadership demands practice and discipline, team work and commitment. Leaders need to deploy their resources wisely and manage the clock well. Strong leaders, like great athletes, bring out the best in the people around them.

We sometimes, though, forget the differences between leadership and sports.

The leadership season never ends. There are no leadership playoffs or championship because the season does not end. Leaders lead each day, all twelve months of the year. There is no offseason. Leaders need to decide for themselves when they need to find rest.

There is no leadership fantasy league. Leaders work with real people, real challenges, real decisions. Leadership is not about being someone else, but about bringing out our true potential.

Leadership is not about defeating an opponent. The leaders who inspire me compete only with themselves. They work to know themselves well. They share themselves with the people around them and help bring out their best.

What are the leadership strengths that make you a top prospect?

Whose example inspires your leadership performance?

[Image by Brad.K]

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