Spiritual Life is Not About Pushing

Spiritual Life is Not About Pushing March 7, 2015


We are told we need to push ourselves to become our best. Making a difference in the world means pushing in the right direction. It feels like there are times when we need to be a little pushy to get any attention at all. Important things happen when push comes to shove.

We are told we should not let anyone push us around, not be a pushover.

We get used to being the kind of people who push back. We put a lot of effort into pushing things, and people, into place. It begins to feel like the only time we are not pushing something is while we sleep.

Spiritual life is not about pushing. Lent, in particular, is not about pushing or being pushed. Lent is about assessing and making changes to find balance in our lives. Balance is where we no longer need to push.

For Lent this year I am starting to write a book. I have never written a book before. I would really like my book to be absolutely great. I put a lot of pressure on myself, pushing myself out of balance. It is the pressure that has kept me from writing a book before.

I am working hard not to push myself.

As the expectations and fear build in me, it is important for me to stop pushing. It can be helpful to take a walk or sit in a rocking chair for a little while. The great book is in me, and I want to let it out and write it down without pushing it out of shape.

There are deep, sacred truths in each of us. Sometimes we forget and get pushed out of shape.

Why do we push ourselves so hard?

When have you pushed yourself out of shape?

[Image by seantoyer]

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