Sparking the Fire of Spiritual Life

Sparking the Fire of Spiritual Life March 28, 2015


We all have times when spiritual life feels far from us. The fire within us has apparently gone out, leaving us alone in the cold and dark. The idea of sacred depth all around us, or even in us, seems ridiculous, laughable.

We believe spiritual life should be comforting, supportive. We do not feel comforted or supported. Each step feels like a struggle. We do not want to let other people down, but we do not feel spiritual life within us.

People try many things to keep the spark in their lives ignited, or reignite it. Some people believe religion is essential to spiritual life. They follow a prescribed path. Some people develop specific practices or disciplines to fuel the fire. They commit themselves to taking regular steps throughout the day or the week. Some people rely on analytical reasoning or intense emotions to strengthen spiritual life. They believe in what they understand or experience.

None of these ways of approaching spiritual life is wrong; none of them is guaranteed.

The fire of spiritual life is powerful beyond our ability to control. Nothing we do or do not do gives us a stranglehold on spiritual life. The beauty and strength of spiritual life is that we cannot control it. We cannot determine the timing of spiritual life, scheduling our recognition of depth. Spiritual life is a gift we cannot give ourselves.

We may strengthen our ability to be open to spiritual life. We may learn to listen by listening. We may read, or talk with someone, or reflect on our own.

Sacred depth waits patiently for us.

How is the fire of spiritual life burning in you? Is it a glowing ember, an inferno, cold ashes?

Who could help you spark the fire of spiritual life?

[Image by Dawn]

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