Spiritual Life is Always More

Spiritual Life is Always More May 30, 2015


Spiritual life is more than we expect, more than we imagine, more than we need, more than we might want.

We think we have spiritual life figured out, we can grasp and understand it. We believe if we are nice and polite then spiritual life will become stronger in us. We know what we need to do to earn or deserve deeper spiritual life.

We have been told spiritual life is about wearing certain clothes, going certain places, acting certain ways. We think spiritual life is about having the right answers to meaningful questions. We believe we have a system, everything in the right place and under control.

We are mistaken. Spiritual life is much more than all of these.

Spiritual life is so much deeper, so much larger, so much more important than what we think we know.

Spiritual life is far greater than anything we can grasp. Spiritual life reaches further into the universe, and deeper into each of us, than we can comprehend. Spiritual life is woven into the fabric, the energy, of everything.

Spiritual life does not prevent our pain and suffering, but transforms them into things much more significant. Spiritual life draws us out into the world around us, flowing through us to change that world.

There are times when we think we have come to the end of spiritual life, that we are hanging over the edge. We hold on as tightly as we can, until we open our eyes to see there is more than we expected.

Spiritual life, essentially, is not about knowledge and information, but a living, transforming relationship.

Where is spiritual life more than how you see it so far?

When will you take time to explore the vast expanse of spiritual life this week?

[Image by Hubble Heritage]

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