Spiritual Life is an Unquenchable Fire

Spiritual Life is an Unquenchable Fire June 6, 2015


Spiritual life is a fire burning within us and in the world around us. It is energy which brightens our darkness and heats our cold loneliness. There are times when spiritual life is sparked in new ways, and times when may be reduced to embers.

Spiritual life can be a torch to light our path or leave us tasting smoke and ashes.

Spiritual life is a fire burning in the fireplace as we sit pondering the lessons it has for us. It is a bonfire on a hill which can be seen for miles around. Spiritual life is in the flames of candles we light to draw us into their warm glow.

Like fire, spiritual life is outside our control. I live in a place where the possibility of fires is real, especially during a drought. People can take steps to reduce them, but we cannot prevent all fires from happening.

I know people who seem to want to reduce the possibility of spiritual life igniting in them. They cannot prevent spiritual life, but they clear away anything that might encourage it. Many of them are afraid, particularly during a drought, of what spiritual life might do.

Spiritual life has a mind of its own. It can purify like fire. It can roast or consume, warm, or shed light. The spiritual life in one person can spark spiritual life in another. Spiritual life in the world around us spreads into us, reflected in what we see and hear.

We may believe we have extinguished spiritual life, preventing it from burning within us. Beyond our control, spiritual life may spring back to life despite our desire to extinguish it.

What sparks spiritual life for you?

Where do you feel the power of spiritual life burning in your experience?

[Image by kaibara87]

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