Leading Beyond Limitations

Leading Beyond Limitations November 10, 2015


There are people who have an unshakable grasp on what is not possible.

They know what can be done and are firmly convinced about what cannot be done. They have assessed their organizations and the people with whom they work. They have a clear picture of what is beyond their limitations.

People who call themselves leaders tell us what our capabilities are, and what is beyond us. They may see us as lacking certain essential leadership qualities or attitudes. They often have a strong sense of our limitations.

Some of us have a view of our own limitations that stops us in our tracks.

Where do our limitations come from?

Some of us are limited by our fears. We may be afraid of failing, afraid of not being perfect, afraid of how other people see us. We may be haunted by what we have done in the past, afraid of making another mistake. We might be afraid we will succeed.

Some of us are limited because we do not know ourselves very well. We may be hiding from ourselves.

How do we lead beyond limitations?

An essential step in becoming the leaders we can be is learning to focus on possibilities rather than limitations. When we face a challenge, we can choose to see the potential for either growth or for failure.

Each risk is both an opportunity to learn and an opportunity for pain. They are two sides of the same coin. The only realistic understanding of the challenge includes both possibilities.

We motivate ourselves, and other people, as we are able to clearly see and articulate our own potential.

Do we see limitations, or do we see opportunities for growth?

How are you leading beyond limitations today?

Where are your opportunities to grow this week?

[Image by jDevaun.Photography]

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