Prayerful Politics

Prayerful Politics June 4, 2016


There are people who are passionate about politics. These people connect strongly to candidates and policies that appeal to their own deepest feelings. They might express their political ideals in strong language and memes on social media. These people are not trying to persuade other people to agree with them. Their political ideas and involvement express their strongest, most personal emotions. They often view politics as a struggle, a conflict, and are campaigning for what they believe is right.

There have been times when I have been politically passionate. I studied political science, law, and public administration, and worked on political campaigns. I support candidates and issues in which I believe. I have tasted the thrill of political victory and the agony of defeat.

I am not always certain the people I support embody what is wise, nor that their political rivals embody disaster. We can be certain, though, that someone will win the election, and someone will be defeated. This will be as true in the next election, and the one after it, as it was in the last one.

We can also be certain that everyone who participates in elections needs our support. The one thing I know I can do to help is pray for them.

We can begin now to pray they will find wisdom and discernment, pray they will be able to work together.

It may be a better, more beneficial use of our time and effort to pray for the people who will be elected. It is also wise for us to pray for those who will not be elected.

How we pray could be more significant than how we vote.

How will you help determine the results of the next election?

Who will you pledge to pray for this week?

[Image by kennethkonica]

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