Spiritual Life Practices

Spiritual Life Practices August 1, 2015


We do not build disciplines and practices to earn spiritual life.

It is not as if we need to accumulate enough spiritual life points to move up to the next level. Spiritual life is not a rating or certification we need to maintain.

Our practices do not demonstrate how good or spiritual we are. We practice to learn how to turn our values and beliefs into everyday life.

If we do not practice what we say we believe, do we really believe it?

I suggest several basic practices as ways to build our awareness of spiritual life.

Learning to Listen

Listening may be the most intimate thing we can do with another person without touching them.

Listening well is listening on a deep level. It is not merely hearing what someone says, but connecting with who they are.

Listening well goes beyond reading people, beyond accommodating them. Listening well is opening ourselves to the selves of others.

Living in the Present

It is easy for us to become caught up in the past or the future, disregarding the present moment. We can be distracted by regrets or remembered experiences from the past. We may pay attention to fears or fantasies about the future.

Spiritual life is lived in the present.

Reflecting Deeply

We tend to rely on our skills in analyzing and reasoning our way through life. While important, we can miss the depth and longterm lessons life has for us.

Reflection can give us opportunities to think more deeply.

Setting aside time for reflection each day gives us the opportunity to learn how to reflect.

We practice what we value. As we work to put our values into practice, we begin to see how valuable spiritual life can be.

How will you practice spiritual life today?

Where will spiritual life shape your weekend?

[Image by woodleywonderworks]

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