Prepping for The Oscars

Prepping for The Oscars February 26, 2014

This Sunday will be the 86th running of the Academy Awards — or as we like to call them in my house: “The Annual, Soul-Crushing Opportunity To Be Reminded That Roger Deakins Doesn’t Have A Golden Statue Yet And Probably Won’t Get One This Year, Either.” No, I’m not bitter. Not at all. (OK, yes I am.)

So, in preparation for my yearly day of mourning — though in all fairness to Deakins and Emmanuel Lubezki, this year’s “snub” will probably be a bit more “deserved” than most past offenses — I’ve been watching impressionist Piotr Michael’s brilliant “Oscar PSA.” Over and over and over again. (Impressionists and mimics are and have always been endlessly fascinating to me.)

A Note of Caution: Gandalf swears.

HT: Laughing Squid

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