Evidence That I Have Arrived (FINALLY!)

Evidence That I Have Arrived (FINALLY!) July 15, 2014

Thanks to my Twitter notifications, I now have irrefutable evidence that this whole Blogging/Social Media thing is starting to pay off:

Once more, for emphasis: Shakespeare is now following me on Twitter.

I’m flattered. Gonna have to start an endorsements page, methinks: “The Bard Loves Joseph Susanka And Reads His Stuff All The Time,” or something equally restrained.

Also, feel free to join him. Especially if you like movies. And baseball. (Also also, no, I’m not insanely myopic. Or at last this is not an example of my myopia. I know it’s not a result of my own personal awesomeness, but rather the result of tweeting something about our awesome Wyoming Shakespeare Festival Company. Also³ and SPOILERS, but I’m pretty sure Will’s dead. …though Roland Emmerich might well disagree.)

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