I Absolutely Love This Picture

I Absolutely Love This Picture August 28, 2014

Life feels like it’s going about a thousand miles an hour right how, so I’m just tryin’ to hang’ on. And you, dear readers, are bearing the brunt of my survivalist tendencies, because I struggle to come up with compelling content in the best of circumstances.

So, here. An amazing image that both sort-of-captures what my day feels like at the moment and encourages and inspires me to rise above it.

Click for Enormous Version

My immediate response was to have no idea what I’d found. And it took me a while (and a little hunting) to figure out that I was actually looking at an actress — Gemma Jones was my first instinct, though I’m leaning towards Lisa Stevenson now — standing on the stage of The Globe Theater in the pouring rain. Awesome.

I especially love the fact that the vast majority of the audience seem completely (blissfully?) unaware of the weather, so rapt are they in the performance before them. But as impressed as I am by the audience and their obvious attention, I’m even more impressed by her. What focus; what intensity. And what a great experience that must have been for everyone involved.

Much too hasty.

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