SSF: “Helium Harvey”

SSF: “Helium Harvey” January 26, 2015

HeliumHarveyI might be posting today’s Summa Short Film (SSF) almost entirely because I know that Cormac (Son #6) will think it’s hilarious. Might be, I said. Might not be, though. So don’t judge me.

Also, I realize this description’s a trifle literal, but stick with it. You won’t be sorry.

Helium Harvey is a curious boy exploring his backyard. After breathing in helium to change his voice, he turns into a balloon and goes on an airborne adventure around the world.

Love the “whales and icebergs” bit. Also, there’s a “Making Of” video. You know I’m a sucker for those things. There’s even a video documenting the Macedonia Radio Symphonic Orchestra’s work on the final score. (Remember that time where I said I’m a sucker for those things? Yep. Still true.)

Also, check out creator Dan Savage’s Yule Log project (both 2013 and 2014 editions). It’s really fun. Especially the slider button.

Attribution(s): All artwork, publicity images, and stills are the property of Daniel Savage and all respective creators and/or distributors.

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