May 24, 2017

Let that sink in. A young woman in a crisis pregnancy chose life, but Christians are making her wish she’d chosen abortion. Read more

May 19, 2017

Will Catholic universities step forward and reclaim this tradition which is uniquely our own? Read more

May 18, 2017

White people hate being accused of racism. When topics of racism come up, among White persons, how quickly the conversation turns to affront at having anyone judge them as racist. Read more

May 15, 2017

What is amiss is that we are not honoring women in their many, varied capabilities - one of which is motherhood - but instead placing on a pedestal an abstract feminine ideal that has little to do with messy lived reality. Read more

May 8, 2017

Convenient amnesia about one’s own past failures: drop-outs, firings, unplanned pregnancies, delinquencies? Never happened. Mind wipe. Read more

May 4, 2017

Tell parents of disabled children to start a GoFundMe, or maybe a bake sale! It's not our job to care for those who can't contribute to society. Read more

April 30, 2017

Why is it always the women who are expected to reform the men? Read more

April 27, 2017

If students are being proselytized and shielded from any alternative views, they will not acquire the ability to make their own moral judgments, but will continue to operate within a condition of heteronomy, simply repeating what they have been told - as long as it seems to work. Read more

April 24, 2017

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" is taken as an unbearable affront, but I'm supposed to read all the nasty or denigrating things that significant male thinkers - even saints - have said about me, over the ages, and just shrug it off? Read more

April 19, 2017

You see what the woman is running towards. You don’t see what she’s running from. Read more

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