A Sigil for 2019

A Sigil for 2019 December 31, 2018

What do you wish to see in 2019? What would you like to have manifested in your life, in your community, in the world?  I asked this question of my Patreon supporters so that we could together craft a sigil for 2019.

First a look back at the 2018 Sigil:
I did this back at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018 with my Patreon folks, and crafted the following sigil:

The sigil that was created for 2018

The words for the 2018 sigil included: breath/e, fortify, justice, love, hope, growth, peace, gratitude, transformation. Coming out of 2017, it called forth deeper emotional growth and awareness – a sense of calming and balance, of letting go to prepare to move forward.

Crafting the 2019 Sigil:
Yesterday I gathered up the responses and shot video of me putting it all together – which while that particular content is exclusive for my Patreon folks of all levels, I can share with you the words and the sigil itself.

The words provided were: equity, clear focus, growth, thriving, vibrant, prosperity, bliss, healing, stability, passion, creativity, justice, good health, new friendships, energy, truth, and clarity. I then grouped these words in 9 categories, relating the common words together. From those groups, I designed the sigil.

the design process of the sigil with the brainstormed words

Now you will probably be able to line up all of the symbols from the left to the final sigil, except the dots and open circle.  The 9 dots were added to gather resources, to bring in new traditions and lay down seeds for the future. The open circle at the top is the potential you wish to bring into being – and an area to direct energy to.  It could be switched out with something specific (another symbol, word, name, etc), or left there to allow for even greater unknown potential.

The clear shift I see from the 2018 requests into 2019 is moving from emotional balance into a state of action and forward motion.  We’re still working on what’s inside, but now we’re more prepared to making change happen.  To see change in the macrocosm, we’re manifesting it from inside of ourselves – our own microcosms.

High Resolution version of the sigil for sharing

How to Use This Sigil: 
-add it as a focal point on your altar
-carve it into a candle and incorporate it into spell or meditation work
-draw, paint, or stitch it on to something you carry with you
-embellish a cake or loaf of bread with it, and share it with friends.
-at the new moon of every month, focus on a different part of the sigil to aid in manifesting that aspect into your life
-and well, anything else you can think of!  If you have ideas, feel free to share them in the comments!

Lastly, if you would like to see the video of how this was made, join my Patreon – you get exclusive content like this special videos, images of artwork in progress (which will include the oracle deck I’m about to start on), and so much more – starting at just $1 a month.

Thank you and have a wonderful New Year!


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