Re-Introducing the ICE Sigil

Re-Introducing the ICE Sigil January 23, 2025

In 2018, while I was on a 6 week long teaching tour of the US, the sigil that is often referred as the “ICE sigil” was created at The Raven’s Wing Magical Co. in Portland, OR.  It was inspired by the first ICE protests which were taking place just a quarter of a mile away from the shop. The initial focus of this sigil was to aid in the protection of those protesting ICE as well as assisting detainees. Since its creation, it has evolved into a go-to sigil for those protesting on behalf of all justice-issues, but I feel it’s important right now to remember its roots.

Today I am bringing the ICE sigil back to the forefront, along with some crucial resources for protecting those who would be targets thanks to systems of injustice, racism, and bigotry. ICE is being used to attack your neighbors and friends, people who upstanding and contributing members of your local community. The propaganda being spread is that ICE is ridding the country of “dangerous illegal aliens” meanwhile many of the people affected by ICE are here in this country legally, and are anything BUT dangerous. It was never about safety or the economy – but instead all about racism and fear.

(If you want to reference ACTUAL dangers to this country, I suggest you look at the January 6th insurrectionists who were just let loose by the current regime. Many of which belong to internationally-recognized hate groups and have standing records of violent crime – from hate crimes and armed assault to domestic abuse. Doesn’t that make you feel oh so much safer? Yeah no. But enough about those assholes, let’s focus on helping people who actually contribute to society…)

Need to Know Resources

Please take a moment to look at the following articles and guides. Keep them handy and share them. If you have other reliable resources, please do leave them in the comments below.

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center – what to know about ICE warrants and ICE detainers – Why ICE is Sending Immigration Warrants to Local Law Enforcement and What it Means

Know Your Rights (information from the New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia)

ICE Watch Programs from Teen Vogue This op-ed explains how to start an ICE Watch neighborhood program in your community.

From the ACLU:


Get to know the Sigil:

First, here is a photo from the class whiteboard that shows you the list of what went into the sigil:

What has been built into this sigil:
-prevent arrests
-provide stamina
-good weather for protesters
-that their message be seen, visible, heard, have impact
-resilience for detainees and those in danger
-fuel and sustain hope

The Sigil

The Sigil To Protect Those Protesting ICE + Aid/Free Detainees

What to do with this sigil:

Some suggestions:

  • draw subtly in at-risk locations
  • draw it on the body
  • make it into an amulet
  • use in conjunction with related spellcraft and ritual
  • if you’re marching or staging a protest, use it on your body, signs, route, etc.

You are welcome to use this sigil however you see fit that is in alignment with the intent of the sigil.  As long as it’s not used for profit/commercially, you can wear it, share it, draw it in appropriate places, make signs of it, use it for blessings and other forms of protection, and so forth.  You don’t have to be physically out there protesting to use this sigil – you can use it to lend support to others and bring more focused energy to the situation, guided towards a positive and powerful solution.

It is protected by the Creative Commons License, details below:
Creative Commons License
The ICE Sigil/Sigil for Protection of Protesters by Laura Tempest Zakroff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you are looking for this design on a shirt or as a sticker – I have it up on threadless with proceeds going to the ACLU.

If you’re interested in learning more about this method of sigil crafting, check out or even better, check out the book I wrote on it – which is available via amazon, the previously mentioned website, and bookstores everywhere.

About Laura Tempest Zakroff
Laura Tempest Zakroff is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from RISD (the Rhode Island School of Design), and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric through her drawings and paintings, jewelry, talismans, and other designs. Laura is the author of the bestselling Llewellyn books Weave the Liminal, Sigil Witchery, and Anatomy of a Witch, as well as the Liminal Spirits Oracle (artist/author), The Witch’s Cauldron, and co-author of The Witch’s Altar with Jason Mankey. Laura edited The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance (Revelore Press). She is the creative force behind several community events and teaches workshops online and worldwide. You can read more about the author here.
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