2021 Sigil for the Year

2021 Sigil for the Year December 29, 2020

At the end of every year, I ask my Patreon supporters to contribute words and phrases that summarize what they’d like to see most in the New Year to come. Rather than making a static or limited New Year’s Resolution, a sigil for the year can help provide you with focus and inspiration, as well as encompass more ideas and possibilities to aid with the changes you wish to see in the New Year.

In previous years, I’ve recorded a short video of me putting the sigil together, but this year I scheduled a zoom session so we could co-create together, like how it’s done in my Sigil Witchery workshops.  This allowed folks to have more input, contribute to the process, and see how it’s done in real time.

Prior to the video, I collected the words and phrases from my patrons. I correlated and connected them to bring together similar ideas/concepts and energetic forces. This made a total of 8 groups, which were the inspiration for the base marks and symbols that form the sigil.

Screenshot of the digital whiteboard from the session

Built into this Sigil:
– Healing, regeneration, renewal, well-being, good health
– Focus, clarity, confidence to commit to the future
– Resilience, persistence, perseverance, adaptability, tenacity, strength, work
– Embrace, collaboration, re-establish connections, unity, community, friendship
– Balance, healthy foundation
– Justice, human rights, mercy, respect
– Optimism, hope, joy, calm
– Movement, increase (positive nature/beneficial direction)

I talk more about the groups and the words in the video – which is also where you can see the process explained and demonstrated in real time.  Why and how certain shapes and marks were used and applied.

Design Note: After the recording was done, we had further discussion/Q&A about the process, how to use the sigil, etc. In that post-recorded session, we considered upgrading the arrow at the top of the sigil into a 5 pointed star, which we collectively liked very much. Both versions have been provided below:

2021 Sigil for the Year, Version 1
2021 Sigil for the Year, Version 2


How to Use This Sigil:
You are welcome to use this sigil however you see fit that is in alignment with the intent of the sigil.
Ideas for use:
– Put on a candle (using your preferred choice of color to influence the year) and burn on the Full Moon, New Year’s Eve into January 1st, or you can revisit the candle on a monthly basis to check in with your year.
– Place on your altar or other place of focus (screensaver of phone or tablet) for meditation
– Anoint on the body with a blessing oil
– Use blessed water, salt, or smoke to invigorate the front door of your home with the sigil energy.

Please note: When sharing this sigil (or any other sigil you find on this blog), please be sure to include the link to the blog post.  The sigil works best if people understand precisely what went into it, versus just sharing the image and telling people to use it.
Creative Commons License
2021 Sigil for the Year by Laura Tempest Zakroff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

To find out more about this method of crafting sigils, checking out Sigil Witchery.

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