Magical Movement: Focus for the New Year

Magical Movement: Focus for the New Year January 11, 2021

Time to recap the last week of the Witchual Workout!  If you don’t know about it – the Witchual Workout is a daily program designed to get you (and me) up and moving regularly – with a dash of magical inspiration to help build and enhance your daily practice. You don’t have to be a dancer of any kind to participate and I encourage you to listen to your body and modify as needed.  Many of these episodes can be done from a seated position as well.

After a holiday break, the Witchual Workout returned on Monday, January 4th to kick off the New Year with focused movement. Perfect time to align your path and create a vision for the year to come!

Monday, January 4th – Witchual Workout 110: Dance the 2021 Sigil for the Year
Welcome to 2021! We’re kicking things off with dancing the 2021 Sigil for the Year. To find out more about this sigil, visit my blog post which includes the video of how it was made, what went into it, and downloadable graphics for you to use.

Tuesday, January 5th – Witchual Workout 111: Oracle – Bone
Today is an oracle day and we received “Bone” from the Artifacts group. This is the second time we’ve received this card for the WW (check back to episode 23), but every time we pull from the Oracle, there’s the potential for a new message or vision to be explored. As we start off the New Year, Bone instructs us to listen, to get back to basics, to build a solid structure, and allow space for peace within ourselves.

Wednesday, January 6th – Witchual Workout 112: La Befana
On Wednesdays, we look to the divine for inspiration and today’s focus is La Befana – aka the “Italian Christmas Witch.” Her mythology centers around the Feast of the Epiphany, and she is said to bring blessings and treats to those who have done good work – as well as doing a little house cleaning during her visit. With the waning moon working with us, we’re going to give her a hand on sweeping out the ills of the past to make room for those blessings – and celebrate a New Year!

Thursday, January 7th – Witchual Workout 113: Tarot – Ace of Wands
Today is a Tarot day and we received the Ace of Wands – a very timely card. Aces signify beginnings and Wands are the realm of ideas/thoughts. This particular card from Legend: The Arthurian Tarot is the Ace of Spears: The Grail Lance. The Grail Lance is connected to multiple powerful stories concerning healing, avenging, and creating or restoring balance to a damaged relationship – be it with ourselves, the land, or a country. We do a warm-up, then align the body, then start to focus our intent, sharpening our spears if you will to prepare for the journey ahead.

Friday, January 8th – Witchual Workout 114: Heart Vision Meditation
Today we’re working with an aspect of the 2021 Sigil for the Year (see episode 110) to help ground, center, focus, and direct ourselves. We live in a time of transition and transformation – and it’s easy to get overwhelmed, stressed, losing sight of what is important and feeling helpless. This simple meditation can help you with those feelings. It can be done seated (or even laying down). Note: Music in the background is strictly to help neutralize the sound of passing cars and our loud radiators.

I’ve made a handy playlist of all of the Witchual Workout episodes – you can access it here. You can absolutely jump around to different episodes or themes, or levels of difficulty.  Some episodes are designed just for sitting or focus on a single part of the body, so you can do what you are able or feeling engaged to do so.

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