Terry Gaspard is the mother of three grown children who she raised in a stepfamily. She has been happily remarried to the love of her life for over two decades. Terry began her writing career while attending graduate school in social work where she discovered her passion for helping people to heal from broken relationships and to find the love they deserve.
Terry is a licensed therapist with over thirty years of clinical experience specializing in divorce, children, couples, and families, as well as a nonfiction writer, college instructor, and regular contributor to The Gottman Institute Relationship Blog, The GoodMenProject.com, marriage.com, and movingpastdivorce.com. Two of her research studies on divorce were published in The Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.
Terry’s interest in relationships, marriage, divorce, and remarriage began with her own experience. Not only were her parents divorced and remarried, but divorce goes back several generations in her family. Her passion for this topic grew as her clinical practice included many children of divorce, couples with relationship challenges, and divorcing and remarried couples.
After watching many of her female clients struggle with distinct emotional challenges from their parents’ divorce – and after experiencing it herself – she knew it was time to create a guide to help daughters of any age overcome the unique legacy of divorce, so they can establish healthy, happy, and long-lasting relationships. Thus she wrote Daughters of Divorce with her daughter Tracy. Her other writing interests include how to help individuals achieve happy and healthy relationships and marriage, children of divorce, rebuilding after divorce, and the secrets to a successful remarriage and stepfamily life. Her second book, The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around is based on her own experience and interviews of 100 remarried couples.
Terry blogs actively on all issues related to relationships, marriage, divorce, and remarriage at movingpastdivorce.com where you can order her book Daughters of Divorce: Overcome The Legacy of Your Parents’ Breakup and Enjoy a Happy Long-Lasting Relationship. You can also find Terry on Facebook, Twitter. Her forthcoming book The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around will be published by Sounds True publishers in February 2020.