A quick poll on blogrolling

A quick poll on blogrolling August 18, 2005

Martha, Martha has a quick poll up asking bloggers about their blogrolling practices. If you’ve got a blog, you might want to take it.

While we’re talking blogrolls, let me invite you to check out the folks on mine. I tend to blogroll people I read, because I cannot stand it when blogs have unending blogrolls of hundreds of people. What does it mean? Does it mean they actually read all of those blogs a few times a week (unlikely) or that they’ve simply paid back everyone who has added them to a blogroll? (Possibly – if you’re a maniac about your TTLB eco-system ranking, I guess you’d do that.)

To my way of thinking, the blogroll should reflect what the blogger is reading. I try to read each blogger I list, at least a couple of times a week, both to give them the hits, and to see what’s new with them. I admit, a few of the blogs I list are not all that enjoyable to me right now, but I’m checking them out because they’ve become oddly fascinating in the way an impending train wreck is fascinating. (Here’s how to tell if the blog I am talking about is yours: If you think I’m talking about YOUR BLOG, suggesting that YOUR BLOG is an impeding train wreck…then it’s your blog!) :-)

It’s kind of like that Carly Simon song, “You’re so vain, you prob’ly think this blogpost is about you…”

Anyway, the folks in my blogroll are mostly there because they provide quick news or interesting reads, and because I feel comfortable knowing that I can direct you to any one of them without boring you. I update the blogroll every few months, unlink those I don’t read and that makes room to link those I have lately been reading.

I think an active blogroll is better than an over-sized one that just lays there and means nothing.

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