Playing the race card: Always Dumb

Playing the race card: Always Dumb January 26, 2006

A while back – I am not sure where – I wrote something about race and how it always seems to be folks on the left who are obsessed with race – they are the ones always bringing it up. You think they’d learn by now, not to make such fools of themselves when they do it. From Bare Knuckles:

A gubernatorial candidate challenging pro football Hall of Famer Lynn Swann in the Republican primary fired his campaign manager after the man told a televised call-in show: “The rich white guy in this campaign is Lynn Swann.”

Bill Scranton, a former lieutenant governor who is white and comes from a wealthy family, also issued an apology to Swann after his campaign manager’s comments Wednesday.

Swann, a former Pittsburgh Steelers star, is seeking to become Pennsylvania’s first black governor.

Right up there with Mayor Nagin’s unwise remarks.

Morgan Freeman, one of our best living actors, recently displayed his impatience with the obsessions on race:

Freeman notes there is no “white history month,” and says the only way to get rid of racism is to “stop talking about it.”

The actor says he believes the labels “black” and “white” are an obstacle to beating racism.

“I am going to stop calling you a white man and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man,” Freeman says.

The world would be better off if we could stop taking especial note of folks’ races and genders and start dealing with each other as human beings.

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