Brazile floats dumb meme & more

Brazile floats dumb meme & more September 7, 2008

:::BUMPED::: Bang out the box, I am disappointed to read that my girl-crush, Donna Brazille is mouthing a stupid meme from earlier this week. I always expect better of her. AJ Strata has the rundown:

Today on CNN’s Situation Room Blitzer (who cuts off all good points favoring the GOP) had Donna Brazile and James Carville demonstrate the SNAFU status in the DC/NY Media and liberal talking heads. At one point in the show Donna Brazile tried to cement the image of The Messiah, and actually compared Barack Obama to Jesus Christ (the community organizer) and Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate (the Governor). Can’t wait to see that one on You Tube!

As I wrote then, “I think it’s a mistake for left or right to play these games, but here’s more: Bull Connor was a community organizer; Wallace was a Governor. Sigh. Gonna get ugly. Needlessly ugly. 1:27 PM

And I guess we’re going to do running links and commentary today, because there is still so much out there. More on the dumb meme, here. 11:10 PM

This made me chuckle. 11:00 PM

So, if the Catholics had just stuck with the meatless Fridays, there would be no global warming? H/T Reader David F. 10:15 PM

The Humbling, Act I: Wherein Our Heroes, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, meet up in Harlem for a Strategery Summit. 10PM

Beethoven invented jazz: Or, so says Elder son, who directed me to this video, with the warning, “he starts at 5:14; by 6:14 he’s definitely swingtime, and ever more so…” You decide. 6:24 PM

“Joeeeeyyyyy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do”: Brokaw asks Biden about Catholicism and the pro-choice stance. Not surprisingly, Biden manages to be more coherent than Mrs. Pelosi, but the bishop will probably come-a-calling, still.

Newsbusters note that Biden contradicts himself with Brokaw on another issue, and gets a pass. 5:28 PM

The lame bottom line: If you are impressed with McCain/Palin you are stupid, naive and easily fooled. Thus sayeth the PMS-Monarchy Media who are “so deeply in the tank for Mr. Obama, most of them have grown gills. Wish I’d written that. More tales of media-in-tankiness here. 5:12 PM

The Tribe of Sarah; A Guide for the Perplexed Media. A good read. 4:53PM

Why Sarah Palin
is Sarah Connor 4:28 PM

Is it modern? We don’t understand!: Bookworm is as confused by Sen. Obama’s “gobbledy-gook” economics as the Emperor Joseph was in Amadeus when he watched Figaro being danced without music. “Is it modern? No, no, no, let me see it with the music put back in!” The Obama Energy Plan is also striking some as a tune they can’t dance to Wow. People actually talking policy. In an election year! 4:20PM

Melissa Clouthier is not a shrink, but she’s got Obama on the couch with a very interesting – and bold – piece:

Barack Obama seems untethered to the world, drifting and ethereal and not in the Obamessiah good way, either. He’s there but he’s not here…The only time he seems fully present and within himself is when he interacts with his family.

His devotion to Michelle is absolute. She is the only realness in his life–including her emotions…He seems beyond feeling himself. He cannot allow himself to feel, to trust, to rely. In cutting himself off from the world, he is at once the boy in the bubble and looking at the world as though it were a snow globe–holding the glass ball, watching an unreal world. He’s an observer, detached.

I don’t think you have to be a shrink to say there is some truth in that. Again, I think we’re seeking authenticity in this election. I am, anyway. 4:08 PM

Oh, hell, take a break and listen to/watch this video: Gerald Albright doing “Georgia On My Mind.” He is staggeringly good. H/T Buster.

As furious as I’ve ever seen them:
Patterico and Ace are not just annoyed with Andrew Sullivan. They’re “done;” as my dog would say, – “chump wants to play at destroying people, chump gonna get himself an assful of destroyed,” (the collie, she speaks).

Ace is going after Sullivan’s publisher about Sullivan’s growing (and surprising) paranoia about Jews. Yes, it’s getting ugly. Dan Riehl defends, sort of. 3:51PM

The PMS-Monarchy Press:
we are not amused at your criticisms of our smears.

I still say polls are meaningless this early, but this one has Allahpundit saying, “Oh, my.” I think Scott at Election Projection plays his numbers cautious, which I sort of like.

Tiny stage, no room for a band before McCain/Palin showed up. Boy, they sure are keeping that girl, Sarah Palin, “locked up” and out of sight. And just think, she’s learning foreign policy at the same time. 3:22 PM

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