Michelle Malkin, The View, The Book

Michelle Malkin, The View, The Book August 3, 2009

Promoting her book Culture of Corruption; Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies Michelle Malkin made it to The View this morning and hashed it out with Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and the rest.

The video is probably going viral, and you can watch it either here.

The View is execrable programing, shrill and often demented. It would be vastly improved by simply replacing Joy Behar with a genuine magpie, (it was Behar who convinced me that President Bush absolutely needed to be impeached, back in 2007). It is a definitive lions den for any conservative to enter, because the roaring and clawing rarely lets up.

So, I was surprised at how tame the gals seemed around Malkin, who -it must be said- clanks when she walks, and fears no one. As Allahpundit writes over at Hot Air:

Most of the questions had to do with whether Bush’s administration wasn’t at least equally corrupt, thereby proving that the bar for Hopenchange is being reset a little bit lower every day. As the boss says, “You know you’ve won the argument when the ladies of the View are reduced to arguing how corrupt they are, and not whether.”

Yeah, well, I was a little surprised that Malkin got in a jab at a “convicted shoplifter” when there were much bigger fish to fry, but I understand how that happens. Five people talking at once, and the bigger fish require much more time to explain – this is why I don’t like television. Time constraints make it all as penetrating as a prop knife. Still, one did get the sense that these gals had an interior whine going on in their heads amounting to, “yeah, but if they’re all corrupt, what do you want us to do about it, at least it’s our corrupt team and not yours…czars? What’s czars?”

Malkin hears it and answers, “sunlight is the best disinfectant,” and urges a demand for accountability and the sort of transparency that was supposed to define the new world of hope and change and sparkling clarity with this president, who -as Malkin clearly outlines in the book, but did not get to say on the air- hasn’t kept a single one of his “transparency” pledges.

Michelle writes about The View here:

Best part: Every single member of the audience got a copy of the book!

Second best part: Whoopi Goldberg, who didn’t read the book, asserting that I called the administration the most corrupt ever in the book when I was on the set — and then waiting for me to leave to falsely assert that “that young lady” said it on the Today Show.

No, I didn’t. Here’s the video.

Disappointed in Goldberg, but I suspect that she not only didn’t read the book, but at times is simply repeating what she’s being fed by production staff. It’s disappointing because I think Goldberg, unlike Behar, is smarter than that and could do better.

I managed to read Culture of Corruption this weekend (insomnia has its good points) and it is an exhaustive look at the people surrounding Obama and their backgrounds. Red meat, yes, absolutely, but red meat that is well-researched and includes copious citations and references. Malkin has, in a sense, taken the thousands of articles you lose track of in your hard drive, broken down the pertinent information and complied it all for you, in a helpful reference. One gets the sense that Malkin is simply taking the opportunity to introduce a cast of characters and get a base-line reading of the whole administration -including First Lady Michelle Obama- for future reference, and that is how I would take this book, as Volume I in a series.

The next book -there must be a next book- will hopefully take a microscope to the scores (yes scores) of unaccountable-to-us-or-congress czars to whom Obama has entrusted enormous power with little-to-no oversight. This is not particularly fun reading. It is information you want to keep handy.

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