Max Lindenman Returns to PatheosCatholic!

Max Lindenman Returns to PatheosCatholic! January 26, 2015

max in turkey

It was only about six months ago that Max Lindenman decided it was time to strike his tent, and we reluctantly let him fly away, with hopes that he would soon return.

Since then Max has been freelancing from his new digs in Turkey — publishing a number of snappy and informative pieces with Aleteia — and also has submitted a couple of really interesting pieces to our feature page, The Font.

But Patheos, for better or worse, is Max’s “home” and — as Groucho Marx Robert Frost** once said — “home is the place where, when you go there, they have to let you in”. When Max, like Marc Barnes just a few days earlier, decided to replug into the Catholic channel we tried very hard not tempt his humility (or insult his ambivalence) by dancing all around, but we failed. Both times.

Writes Max of his return:

Of course this is no ordinary blog. This is a Catholic blog, one I shuttered about six months ago on the grounds that I considered myself insufficiently Catholic. I must admit – a little sheepishly, if you’ll excuse the pun – that my intellect and will haven’t moved all that much since then. But whenever I size up the alternatives, my heart breaks a little. Left-wing utopians would stick my head on a pike to punish me for microaggressing. I might enjoy liberal consumerism, but my credit rating sucks too badly. Besides, I am finally reaching the age where sexed-up ads make me cranky instead of horny.

Yeah, read it all, and then go read what else he’s posted.

If you hadn’t subscribed to Max’s blog before, now would be a great time to do it. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

**My bad. As Deacon Greg reminded me, it was Robert Frost, said that. What Groucho Marx said was. “home is where you hang your head.” Which, for all I know, may also apply.

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