If it has seemed quiet around here, lately, that’s thanks to the Catholic Press Association, whose annual Catholic Media Conference (#CMC15) has lured me (and Deacon Greg and Denise Bossert) to Buffalo for an adventure. Tomorrow we all go home but tonight saw a number of Patheos Catholic bloggers honored by the CPA, beginning with Marge Fenelon being named as an Egan Fellow by Catholic Relief Services. As a Fellow she will be traveling to the Philippines with CRS to report on the continuing recovery in that region from the effects of Typhoon Haiyan. Congrats to Marge!
Our own Lisa Hendey is a past-Fellow, and her serial blog posts on CRS in Rwanda were enlightening, sometimes heart-breaking and very inspiring. Lisa, by the way, was honored this year, along with Sarah Reinhard, for the great CatholicMom.com blog, as the Best Group Blog!
The Patheos bloggers were heavy on the book awards, with two of them taking First Place honors in their respective categories: congratulations to Eve Tushnet (Gay and Catholic), and to Paddy Gilger, S.J., and the fellas at The Jesuit Post on Patheos (The Jesuit Post)! Given my propensity to gush like a proud mama, I will let the words of the judges tell the stories:
Congratulations, also to Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP (The Prodigal You Love) and Deacon Greg Kandra (Sick and You Cared for Me)who took Second Prizes in their respective categories, as well:

Deacon Greg and the folks at the Catholic Near East Welfare Association took a number of honors, as they always do, for their outstanding ONE Magazine. Their beautiful and informative blog should be a daily stop. Congrats to that team, as well! I’m so happy for all of you folks!
Oh, and remember, last year my column at The Catholic Answer had won first place in the Spirituality category but I’d been too sick to process it? It was a very pleasant thing to be honored for that column again this year.
Thank you, Catholic Press Association. You made many Patheos bloggers very happy, tonight!
UPDATE: Also, another Patheos blogger, Tom Zampino enjoyed a distinction this week, when he was interviewed by Timothy Cardinal Dolan about both his reversion and our rather spontaneous #WhyRemainCatholic symposium. Well done, Tom!