Monique Ocampo comes to Patheos Catholic

Monique Ocampo comes to Patheos Catholic January 20, 2015

Every once in a while we’re happy to introduce readers to a new face with a developing voice, and so today it is a pleasure to make known to you Monique Ocampo, a young cradle-Catholic who has been freelancing, and staying very busy on Facebook, where I first read her.

Monique Ocampo Thumbnail

At that time, Monique was mentioning a vocational discernment, and because that’s at topic of interest for many, it’s one she will put some energy into exploring, here at Patheos. Look for future interviews with young men and women as they discern where they are being led by God — to the priesthood or religious life, or marriage or the single life, or even a “third order.” The whole notion of “vocation” is ripe for broader exploration and hardly anyone is taking that boat out to sea, so Monique will from time-to-time sail those waters for us, at Monique Ocampo Writes.

Monique is also — like so many millennials we know — pondering grad school and the future, and (of course) Doctor Who. She is a fan of books, movies and music, so there will be lots of writing about pop culture, but I also expect she will be giving us a “Millenial’s perspective” on the church; we’ll get a sense of how she and her friends are receiving what they get of Catholicism, both from the press and from the pew.

Given recent reports about the distressingly low participation of young adults in the church — and the perception that we are literally bleeding-out our young people (read Calah Alexander’s thoughts on that, here) — we are hoping Monique will help us to identify and understand what are the pressing concerns of young adult Catholics, in America, and then help to answer their questions.

It seems imperative to me that, as we acknowledge the need to better-know and address our younger generation, we have a few of their voices, chiming in and piping up, here at Patheos, and Monique has a very busy pen, er…keyboard.

Please make Monique feel welcome and subscribe to her feed! Follow her on Facebook and Twitter, and Instagram, too.

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