Rabbi Sacks Hearts Pope Ratzi

Rabbi Sacks Hearts Pope Ratzi October 21, 2010
The Jewish experience of suffering should have taught us never to side with evil.  In many cases what’s really happened is that we’ve learned to make sure that we’re no longer the targets of the evil.  Even when it means kissing evil’s ass.
Speaking of obsequiousness to evil, here is the Lord Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ reaction to meeting Darth Benedict:
Lord Sacks said: “Soul touched soul across the boundaries of faith, and there was a blessed moment of healing”.

The Chief Rabbi added that the Pope “valued” the Catholic-Jewish relationship and that “he wanted the work to continue and deepen [it]”.

Lord Sacks, whose full title is Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, said that welcoming the Pope on behalf of non-Christians in Britain was “a moment I shall never forget”.

He added that the meeting illustrated the Vatican’s emphasis on the “importance of respect and friendship between faiths”.

The meeting was of particular significance, he said, because of the “tear-stained history of the Catholic-Jewish relationship”.

He said: “Over the centuries, the relationship between the Church and the Jews has been one of the saddest stories in the history of religion” – and one, he said, that “might have continued were it not for the darkest night of all, the Holocaust”.

I will translate this for you.  Lord Sacks is saying that he and Ratzi are soul-mates, that Judaism and Catholicism are now besties and that even though they literally screwed us to hell up to and right through the Holocaust, they realized that they’d gone a tiny bit too far.
Luckily the Church has moved on to all its other pet projects like preventing condom use in AIDS-riddled Africa, excommunicating willful women and persecuting gays.  Now we Jews can breathe a sigh of relief.

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