Latest (Non-)Threat To Jewish Survival…Israeli Intermarriage

Latest (Non-)Threat To Jewish Survival…Israeli Intermarriage March 16, 2011

As our forefathers and foremothers once taught us, there is no sin more unbearable than intermarriage.  Just the word is supposed to make us shudder with fear!  What will become of the Jewish people?  We’re doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!

You would think that by 2011 this trope would have played itself out.  And you would think that Israelis, of all folks, would have the least reason for concern.  After all, how many Jews intermarry there?

But concern for Israeli intermarriages is on the rise.  Exhibit “A” is the reaction of nationalist Rabbi Yisrael Rosen to Labor MK Einat Wilf’s marriage to a non-Jewish German.

“I hereby call for a boycott of all of her public activities…as a clear negative character, being married to a German who is not Jewish (and I believe hasn’t acquired citizenship either),” the rabbi wrote in an article published in a Shabbat leaflet.

“This call is not religious (there are more serious offenses) or nationalistic (there are greater ‘national traitors’ than her), or even social (there are MKs who present a poorer personal example). I just can’t comprehend having an MK with a mixed marriage.”

It seems to me there used to be some law about this:

Section 1

Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.

Sorry, wrong country and century.

Exhibit “B” is the Knesset debating about assimilation on the first of what really should be the last “Jewish Identity Day” in Israel:

Tzipi Hotovely (Likud)…led the debate held on the first ever Jewish Identity Day. She claimed that the only way to prevent assimilation is through education, in which the state is not investing enough.

“The assimilation struggle reaches headlines through stories of Jewish women marrying Muslims, but it’s important to remember that this phenomenon is much broader. Over 92,000 families living in Israel are of mixed race,” said Hotovely. “We need programs to teach young girls in high school about Jewish identity.”

You really must understand, it’s the mischlinge who are the real threat to the Reich…uh…the Jewish identity of the state.

Or something like that.

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