Breaking Away Is Expensive To Do

Breaking Away Is Expensive To Do February 18, 2012

Here’s a good use of the money that usually goes to Israeli Haredi Jews so that they can sit on their asses all day and “study.”  Let’s give the study money to some people who could really use it, like ex-Haredi Jews.  One Israeli legislator has proposed a program to help them integrate into modern life:

The bill being advanced by Zehava Gal-On would provide a financial aid package similar to one given to a new immigrant to the country, Haaretz reported.

Hundreds of youth who leave haredi Orthodoxy each year face financial hardship and difficulty in getting a higher education because their schools do not teach all the core subjects required for a matriculation certificate, according to Haaretz.

The aid would amount to more than $13,000, according to the report.

There are organizations that are helping them, but they are woefully under-funded.  One group is preparing to sue the Department of Education for denying them a proper education.  Haredi school systems are funded, but not regulated by the government.  This makes it complicit in denying them access to crucial subject matter such as math, history, English and civics.

Coupled with the extreme price that such people must pay when they are cut off from family and community, this amounts to a dangerous level of religious oppression.  Despite these obstacles, many still choose to leave.

I am unaware of any North American organization to help ex-Orthodox Jews.  Israel has one that has been steadily growing and you can find the site at this link:  Hillel: The Right To Choose.

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