Rick Santorum, Theologus Bibliae

Rick Santorum, Theologus Bibliae February 20, 2012

Rick “Man on Dog Sex” Santorum will never be elected president, but if it’s the role of Tea Party chief inquisitor he’s bucking for, then he should be hired immediately.  This is Santorum at a speech late last week as reported by Reuters:

Obama’s agenda is “not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. It’s not about your jobs. It’s about some phony ideal. Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology,” Santorum told supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement at a Columbus hotel.

Where does one even begin with such foolishness?  Would it do any good to point out to his followers that the bible has no consistent theology?  Or that the United States should not be governed by theology?

What country are these people living in?  Why is it okay for a Santorum to utter this drivel but not okay when it’s the policy of Islamic regimes?  And how is what he advocates any different, except for the details of some legends?

Here’s more:

“He [Obama] is imposing his values on the Christian church. He can categorize those values anyway he wants. I’m not going to,” Santorum told reporters.

There are tens of thousands of Christian denominations.  That’s because they break into pieces all the time.  But Santorum, latter-day Torquemada that he is, now speaks for them all.

I am fascinated by how so many fundamentalist Protestants have fallen in love with him.  It seems like just yesterday when they regarded all Catholics as papist antichrists.

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