July 27, 2018

Today marks the end of National NFP Awareness Week! It’s also the 50th anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae! Per the USCCB: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is a national educational campaign. The Natural Family Planning Program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops develops a poster each year with basic supportive materials. It is the individual dioceses however, that offer a variety of educational formats in the local church to focus attention on Natural Family Planning methods and... Read more

July 25, 2018

Since it’s Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week, I’ve decided to share my NFP testimony. I have ten children. Only six of them are living; the other four were lost to miscarriage and are, God willing, in Heaven. When my husband and I were engaged, we talked about having three, MAYBE four kids, but certainly no more than that. However, our “best laid plans” were obliterated once we converted from the ELCA to Catholicism — and thank God for that.... Read more

July 16, 2018

About a month ago, I asked for your best road trip tips. The epic road trip I took with my kids (travelling to and from North Dakota) was successful, thanks in part to your helpful advice. This Sunday, my kids and I are embarking on our second adventure of the summer: a five-day-long camping trip in northern Arizona! We are going to be at a group campsite with friends, and there will be several teenagers around to help keep an... Read more

July 12, 2018

I’ve seen the following image shared in many of my Facebook groups lately: Now, I am a huge fan of G.K. Chesterton — I was confirmed into Catholicism on his birthday, and I love his writings so much that I named one of my sons after him — but I don’t agree with everything he has ever written. He does have some things to say about working mothers that aren’t complimentary, for example. After seeing the above image for the... Read more

July 12, 2018

Today is the feast day of the first married couple to be canonized at the same time by the Catholic Church: Sts. Zelie and Louis Martin. St. Zelie is one of my favorite saints. She was a mother to nine children, four of whom tragically died either in infancy or early childhod. Her words about the loss children echo in my own heart when I think of my own lost little ones: In a letter to her sister-in-law who had... Read more

July 9, 2018

While doing research for my book, I came across this article from the Catholic News Agency: Pope Francis lauds testimony of working mothers. I have no idea how I missed this when it was originally published! It posted during a time when I was struggling with my vocation as a Catholic mother who worked; in fact, barely a month later I founded the Catholic Working Mothers Facebook group. In his remarks — the source of which is here — Pope Francis... Read more

July 5, 2018

National Public Radio (NPR) is a well-known, respected news organization. So why can’t they get basic facts right when it comes to Catholicism? Case in point, this story from July 3, 2018: 50 Years Ago, The Pope Called Birth Control ‘Intrinsically Wrong’ First quibble: The Pope didn’t call birth control intrinsically wrong — after all, NFP to avoid pregnancy is a method of birth control, and its use is sanctioned by the Church. He called contraception intrinsically evil. Moving on to... Read more

June 29, 2018

I took a brief hiatus from blogging due to family road trip. I drove myself and my middle four kids (ages 10, 8, 6, and 4) from Phoenix, Arizona to Fargo, North Dakota. For those keeping score at home, that’s 1,895 miles, give or take a few. It took us three full days. It’s a long story, but my husband flew up a few days later with my oldest daughter and youngest daughter, and he had to fly back two... Read more

June 10, 2018

I’m planning on taking my kids on a road trip/camping trip later this summer. I’m not calling it a vacation, because in my opinion it’s not a vacation if I’m going to be working as hard or even harder than I would be if we were just staying at home. The trick is that I’m going to have to go it alone, as my husband won’t have any PTO available.  Yes, I know I’m insane. But as my husband said once... Read more

June 5, 2018

As you’ve most likely heard, the Supreme Court issued a narrow ruling today in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. It was narrow because it only addressed baker Jack Phillips’ treatment by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which was frankly shameful (and the justices agreed by a vote of 7-2). On the larger issue, whether or not the government can compel an artist to advance a message against his or her moral beliefs, the Court declined to rule, citing the need for... Read more

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