Faith enterprises will be shut and Christians jailed by Joe Biden

Faith enterprises will be shut and Christians jailed by Joe Biden November 6, 2020

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AHEAD  of what’s looking increasingly like a win for presidential candidate Joe Biden, Trump-lovin’ evangelical hate preacher Franklin Graham, above, went into paranoia overdrive, warning that a Biden win would see Democrats rounding up anti-LGBT activists and throwing them in prison.

Speaking to Tony Perkins President of designated extremist hate group, the Family Research Council, Franklin “Make-America-Straight-Again” Graham warned, without any evidence, that Democrats will “push the gay lesbian agenda” in the same way they did under Barack Obama.

In the wide-ranging interview, Graham spoke about his charity, Samaritan’s Purse, and said they had been “blessed up to this point” with administrations that were supportive of Christian ministries.

The Obama administration, no question, there were problems there. You had a lot of activists in the White House that wanted to push hate gay lesbian agenda.

They targeted businesses to shut them down – florists, bakers, people like that who refused to participate in a gay wedding.

The imbecile was referring to a number of high-profile legal cases where service providers faced legal action for discriminating against same-sex couples.

He continued:

I think if the Democratic party wins again, they’ll be right back with that agenda and they’ll be looking for business and ministries to target, to shut them out of business, or even put them in jail. Who knows, but it’s coming.

He doubled down on the baseless claim that anti-LGBT+ activists could be jailed under a Biden administration elsewhere in the interview, claiming that people who “serve in Jesus’ name” will keep “doing the work he told us to do” regardless of the election outcome.

Now, it may cost us more, there may be people who go to prison. But let’s do the work God’s called us to and not be afraid of what’s going to happen or not happen.

Graham and Perkins heaped praise on Mike Pence while they lambasted Joe Biden for supporting LGBT rights.

Elsewhere in the interview, the pair lamented the closure of churches in parts of the US , a measure implemented in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Graham went on to encourage people to avoid supporting politicians based on personality and to instead focus on party policies, saying Democrats and Republicans are “so completely different”.

Finally he got something right.

Duford and her mom Gigi. Image via Twitter

Graham was most certainly not singing off the same hymn sheet as Jerushah Duford, above, a grand-daughter of Billy Graham. She threw her support behind the anti-Trump Lincoln Project to get Biden elected.

Duford, who lives in Greenville, said she questions evangelicals’ support of President Donald Trump, who she called “a liar, a cheat and a narcissist.”

She decided to publicly support Biden after:

Seeing the things Trump has done to harm the church and Christian leaders not speaking out. That’s not what Jesus was like.

Duford called Trump’s appearance outside a Washington D C, church holding up a Bible amid the summer racial justice protests “idiotic” and suggested he did not know anything about the message inside.

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However, her very scary aunt, Anne Graham Lotz, above, has never departed from her view that Trump was selected by God to be President. She recently posted a long prayer on her website that’s guaranteed to make puke into your aquarium (if you have one).

The photo she uses on her website looks as if it was taken before Jesus was illegitimately conceived.

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Update: Catholics have defied the certifiable insane Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò , above, who is claiming that we have just witnessed the most “colossal electoral fraud in history,” in order to ensure the defeat of the man who “stands against the establishment of the New World Order.”

Despite Viganò’s warning that a Biden vote would open the gates of hell to them, 51 percent of Catholics voted for Biden this week, compared with 45 pecent who voted Democrat in 2016; and 47 percent voted for Trump, compared with 52 percent in the last election.

Although evangelicals stuck to Trump like jizz to a blanket, fewer did than in 2016. Exit polls showed that 75 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump this year, compared with 81 percent four years ago.

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