American Horror Story COVEN, live chat, Hallowe’en edition~! (with costumes)

American Horror Story COVEN, live chat, Hallowe’en edition~! (with costumes) November 1, 2013

Hello, all, here is the latest installment of our weekly live chat series on American Horror Story: COVEN, featuring myself and Lilith Dorsey (of Voodoo Universe).  We decided to a Hallowe’en theme, and next week it will be closer to the true cross quarter of Samhain so there may be more themes in your future…

This week’s episode, “Fearful Pranks Ensue,” was one of the liveliest yet, (and also takes place at Hallowe’en!) and we’re left with many unsolved mysteries (like, how will the Council decide to deal with Fiona’s misdeeds?) and questions to get us terribly excited for next week. Lilith and I discuss the ongoing issues with the representation of voodoo, as well as portrayals of gender and ethnicity, plus all the  other controversial subject matter that makes this show so fascinating to talk about!

We love to have other people join the discussion, so let us know your comments, share the link and join us next time!


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