Dolphin Tale

Dolphin Tale December 20, 2011

Bottom Line: This true story of a friendship between boy and dolphin will make everyone in the family smile.

The Gist: Sawyer finds a dolphin stranded on the beach. Winter the dolphin finds a new home at a marine rescue facility and Sawyer finds friends there as well. But when Winter loses her tail, Sawyer turns to a military prosthetics expert to make her a new one.

The Verdict: Watch it. This wonderful movie is inspiring and respectful of our soldiers who have sacrificed limbs for the country and of children born with disabilities. Winter becomes a symbol of hope for them all. It’s even better that it’s a true story!

Be Aware: Rated PG for some mild thematic elements (mostly involving Sawyer’s missing father), this a movie for everyone from grandma to the little guys. Enjoy!

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