Ali and Malcolm: Developing The Victorious Muslim Mindset

Ali and Malcolm: Developing The Victorious Muslim Mindset July 21, 2016

3) Use Knowledge establish goals and to Build

malcolmxman“Anytime you have to let another man set up a factory for you and you can’t set up a factory for yourself,

you’re a child; anytime another man has to open up businesses for you and you don’t know how to open up businesses for yourself and your people, you’re a child.”—Malcolm X

Once we develop the confidence in our faith and our mission, we can then be motivated to build that which is as a reflection of our faith. Malcolm X was a builder and called for other Muslims to be builders. I heard from elders in the Nation that in their era young brothers in their early tweties  would be at each other’s houses discussing plans to establish schools, grocery stores, laundromats, barbershops, super markets, clothing factories, clothing stores, retail stores, real estate, residential homes, and developing other infrastructure. There was a level of industriousness and productivity in the Nation of Islam, which is lacking in Muslims today. They weren’t out smoking shisha and hookah like Muslim youth today—they were building. If we are to be effective Muslims, we must be builders, so determine what it is that you want to build, make a plan to build it, and go after what you want built. We must be industrious, we must be builders, and we must be productive.


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