Arriving at Amen Arrives Today!

Arriving at Amen Arrives Today! May 7, 2015

I tried to stay up to watch the order button for kindle go live at midnight last night, until I realized that Amazon is located in Seattle and might be timing its midnight accordingly.

But, lo, today is finally launch day, and the book is available to order.  A few copies shipped early, so, once yours arrives, you have these photos from readers to top:

action shots book

I’m excited for the book to wind up in your hands because writing this book has been an opportunity for me to share so many moments of beauty and wonder, in order to gesture at what Catholic spirituality is all about.

I get to talk to you about the Ship of Theseus, and constant, confusing renewal in order to explain the Eucharist.

I get to discuss some of the vocabulary and grammar I learned in ASL in order to discuss how I approach lectio divina, where I try to plunge myself into God’s words.

And I get to talk about the dangers of congenital analgesia to make sense of why the sting of shame that opens the door to repentance can be a welcome gift.

Richard Feynman once said that “Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough” and that’s certainly been my experience in learning Catholic prayer.

Every time I started learning a new way to reach out to God, I kept finding little ties back to ideas and images that I had already loved, that I could use as a spur to my love and my delight.

I hope you pick up my book and find that it makes Catholicism make a little more sense, but, even more, that it limns some part of your world with joy.


And check out Fr. David Paternostro’s review in Homiletic and Pastoral Review!


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