I’m headed over to EWTN’s DC studios this afternoon to tape a short segment on Arriving at Amen: Seven Catholic Prayers that Even I Can Offer and you can watch it tonight on EWTN News Nightly at 6p ET or when it’s replayed at 9p ET.
And, in the meantime, here’s an excerpt of one of the early reviews on Amazon:
I love conversion stories and Leah’s is no exception. Her book explores her journey from Javert-inspired Stoicism to a grace-seeking Catholic through seven types of prayers. Her story and reflections are often accompanied by “This reminds me of…” and a creative example I have never heard deployed as a metaphor for prayer: Ballroom dancing! Mellified men! Pottery technique! I also personally liked the shout out to Catholic mommy bloggers, who played a major part in my own Tiber-swimming. It’s a testimony to the clarity of her prose that her prodigious use of math was (mostly) intelligible to this reader who has avoided math since topping out at Calculus in high school. All of her examples demonstrate how universal prayer really is, even when it seems a foreign language, and set her book apart from a lot of other devotional literature with her unique perspective.