7 Quick Takes (3/15/11)

7 Quick Takes (3/15/11) April 15, 2011


Turns out I’m pulling an all nighter with a problem set tonight, so this will be an extremely brief Quick Takes post.  If you’re wondering why I’m so busy, look to yesterday’s post for an explanation and add in the fact that my senior thesis is due only a little over a week.  YIKES.

So this week, you’re going to get links to the tabs I opened most recently in Chrome to reference in my essay.  And after I turn in this p-set and get a little more writing done, I promise to wade into the argument brewing in the recent post on homosexuality and natural law.

Here’s the list of recent references with a challenge at the end:


So, to hit the most important point first: I finally figured out what novel I can plausibly reference in my academic paper!  I’m going to Vernor Vinge’s Rainbows End which imagined a world where the best way to maintain privacy was to spread so many lies about yourself that no one could tell which were true.

You can read an excerpt from the book he re-purposed as a short story here.


On to the other citations…  

I have a story about attacks on the livejournal blogging service and some background on livejournal’s dominant position in Russia.


A creepy story on the way Anonymous has gone after Sony in recent protests: trying to track down the identities and whereabouts of the CEO’s children.


The wikipedia page for the famous cartoon below:

(I was trying to figure out citation format for a cartoon, especially if I hadn’t necessarily seen it in The New Yorker when it first ran).


Remarks delivered by Christopher Poole, founder of 4chan, at the SXSW conference.



A techno remix of the late Senator Ted Stevens saying “The Internet is not a big truck.  You can’t just dump something on it.  It’s a series of tubes.”

So can you guess what I’m writing about? Or, with little to no prior knowledge, care to suggest a title?

[Seven Quick Takes is a blog carnival run by Jen of Conversion Diary]

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