Chango’s Feast Day: Beware There Could Be Flames!

Chango’s Feast Day: Beware There Could Be Flames! December 3, 2013

Dance of Chango, Orisha of Thunder by Byron Howes licensed under CC by 2.0

The last time I wrote a blog post about Chango one irate commenter told me to “cease and desist. “ The post and the accompanying incendiary recipe can be found here. The back and forth in the discussion got a little heated. Of course it did, Chango is the lord of Fire. The barebacked rider on the roar of thunder. The King who did not hang.

December 4 is the traditional date for the feast of the Orisha Chango in La Regla Lucumi, more commonly known as Santeria. This date coincides with the Catholic feast day for St. Barbara, who Chango is often associated with.

There are many stories about this legendary King who is said to have actually lived in the 4th Century B.C.E. One of the most popular deities, Chango is the Ashe, or divine energy, of fire. The sacred power of the flame. One ritual I conducted my ex-boyfriend even set himself on fire during the ceremony when he became overcome with Chango’s Ashe and rolled like one of Chango’s thunderballs across the field. We had to put him out with the ANC flag, well it was all we had available. Don’t panic he was fine, he is Omo Chango (a son/devotee of Chango,) so it didn’t really surprise anyone. Yes, I still have the flag. Chango rules majestically over passions, drums, and thunder. Very often he is depicted with a double headed axe or a two edged sword. This is said to represent his dominion over justice, which can have two sides.


Traditional Offerings

(This is only a suggested list, please check with your godparents before making any offerings)

Post, Tsogo or Sango People, Gabon, early-mid twentieth century by Cliff licensed under CC by 2.0




Red Wine

Prairie Oysters (Some imply that he is so masculine he even eats testicles)




Pine nuts




Tobacco (He is offered this but people do not smoke around him.)


This December 4th thousands upon thousands of Santeria devotees will be honoring Chango, this divine Lord of fire. But no matter what your religion, consider honoring him in your own way and keeping the spirit of justice, courage and sacred fire alive this holiday season. Kawo Kabiosile!

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