Blog Anniversary- Voodoo Universe’s Top Ten Posts You Probably Missed

Blog Anniversary- Voodoo Universe’s Top Ten Posts You Probably Missed September 9, 2014

The Voodoo Universe blog has made it a whole year. It’s been a year of weirdness and wondrousness. We’ve manged to feature some amazing stuff about New Orleans Voodoo and Marie Laveau, as well as La Regla Lucumi (Santeria,) Candomble, Ifa, and Haitian Vodou. There were some wildly successful posts, usually having to do with American Horror Story Coven or Orange is the New Black, and some that didn’t get the notice they deserve. So I’m going to take this opportunity to sift through 169 pearls of online wisdom, and give you Lilith’s Top Ten Posts You Might Have Missed.


Techno-Voodoo 2.0 Simbi Altar photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Techno-Voodoo 2.0 Simbi Altar photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

Techno-Voodoo 2.0 : Technology Changes Religion. It only makes sense after a whole year of blogging to talk about the future. I am a techno-mage at heart, I went to school for film and video production (among other things) and I truly believe that magick can be created this way. This specific post talks about the issue of technology and communication which is associated in modern times with the great serpent Simbi. This snake delivers the message with lightning fast speed, and hopefully clarity. One of the amazing things about Vodou is in many ways it is a fluid tradition, making additions but still keeping sacred the old ways.


Legba Veve at the Cemetery: Voodoo Takes Action. This is a short experimental film I made about creating a Legba veve in the cemetery in New Orleans. It features myself and my dear friend and consummate artist Mina Bellavia as we lay down the crossroads. Please be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Voodoo video.


Tarot, Jodorowsky, and Questions From a Crippled Hand. Jodorowsky has long been an idol of mine, I got the chance to shake his hand and listen to his wisdom, about tarot, religion, and his first new film in 25 years, The Dance of Reality. Jodorowsky himself re-tweeted this piece, I feel proud.


Santeria’s Ochosi Come and Live in My House. Although Ochosi is one of the major Orisha given out to every practitioner of La Regla Lucumi as part of their warriors, much of this secretive hunter still remains unexplored by most.



Ritual Skull Decoration and Feather. Photo by Lilith Dorsey.
Ritual Skull Decoration and Feather. Photo by Lilith Dorsey.

Honor Your Ancestors: Sweet Potato Mash with Bourbon and Pecans Recipe. Ancestors first, last and always. I can not stress the importance of ancestor worship enough. It is an undercurrent in the religions of Haitian Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo, La Regla Lucumi (Santeria) and most of the Afro-Diasporan traditions. This ritual recipe is simple and delicious. Check it out, or maybe I should say drink up and don’t forget to share!


Real Voodoo and Santeria Possession. One of the most maligned and misunderstood aspects of Voodoo and La Regla Lucumi (Santeria.) Watch the film people.


Voodoo Veves. Veves are the doorway to the other world in Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo. They allow devotees of the religions to cross into the realm of the spirits. This post includes one of my favorite veves which highlights male genitalia.


Saut d’Eau. I decided to include this article on this list when I discover it was actually in the search result when someone typed in “naked Voodoo waterfall.” Well, I guess you could describe it that way, if you’re a moron. In actuality the waterfalls at Saut d’Eau in Haiti are the site of an annual pilgrimage for thousands of practitioners of Vodou. There ritual baths and offerings occur in the water to pay tribute to the Lwa (goddess) Erzulie.


Voodoo Definitions- More Than Just a Word. This piece gave an in depth look at the origins and history of the word Voodoo. What Does Voodoo Mean to You? I would still love to hear everyone’s answers, I know it’s not an easy question but if you come up with something leave it in the comments below.


The Voodoo Universe photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
The Voodoo Universe photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

Thanks for a whole year of the Voodoo Universe !!!

The truth really is out there !


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