Old World Teething Remedies For New Baby

Old World Teething Remedies For New Baby November 24, 2015


teething, i am photo by rashida s. mar b. Licensed under CC 2.0 Text added
teething, i am photo by rashida s. mar b. Licensed under CC 2.0 Text added.

As any new parent knows there is nothing like a teething baby. Feverish, tearful, upset, in pain, and possibly trying to bite you, a teething baby is a force to reckoned with. I spend a lot of time with babies. Their joy and wonder is a continual inspiration. Two of my spiritual godchildren just had a beautiful baby boy, and we are all feeling blessed. I got this list together for their little man, and all the other wee ones out there needing some relief.

People will do just about anything to keep the peace. There are remedies which say to put butterfly eggs on the baby’s throat… not sure how you would execute that these days. One even says to hang a molefoot around a babies neck. I don’t really recommend that either. It makes sense when we think of sympathetic magick that, many remedies exist that place tooth-like necklaces or bracelets around a baby.

  • Hazelwood beads worn on the parents, caregiver, or baby are said to help soothe the pain. Amber beads are also used in the same way. Not actually a stone, Amber is a solid resin that been used for centuries to bring powerful love and healing.
Baby Amber Foot photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Baby Amber Foot photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
  • Rose Quartz is traditionally used as a healing stone, so it is logical to put a piece in babies room or under their crib when they are suffering.
  • Even if your child wasn’t born with an actual silver spoon in their mouth placing a cold one on their gums can help to heal. Silver can have many healing benefits founded in both magick and science.
  • Chamomile is another choice for new parents. Many homeopathic remedies feature Chamomile but if you would like to go a gentler route I suggest bathing your child’s feet in a weak chamomile tea. Cloves have long been used for tooth pain even in adults. Their effect may be too strong for babies, so i suggest rubbing the gums and/or feet with a very very weak tea.
  • Ice or frozen washcloth can be one of the simplest and most effective methods to help with teething. I have seen a baby bite down of a frozen cloth when nothing else could help.
  • Hanging an egg in a sock over the door in the room where the baby sleeps is another folk remedy. Magickally the egg is said to catch and absorb the pain. This reminds me of some of the Santeria protection spells that tell you to place an egg suspended in water near the front door to to rid the home of negativity. With this practice you change the egg frequently. I would recommend the same for the one in the sock, and I would also recommend using a white egg.
  • Ginger is another standby in healing medicine that you can use for your baby at this time. People recommend rubbing a bit of ginger root on the gums to give a numbing effect.

Whatever you choose, one of these methods or all of them, just remember teething doesn’t last forever….even if it might seem like it. Please share this post with any big people who look after little people and Good luck !


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